
Feeding Europe's future together!

Copa and Cogeca are the united voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU. Together, we ensure that EU agriculture is sustainable, innovative and competitive, while guaranteeing food security for 500 million people throughout Europe. 


COPA elects Massimiliano Giansanti as its new President

Today, COPA elected Massimiliano Giansanti (Confagricoltura, Italy) as its new President, to lead the European farmers' organisation for the next two years. M. Giansanti steps into this role at a pivotal moment, as the EU's vision for its agricultural future is taking shape amid heightened concerns on the ground. Together with a team of six newly elected Vice-Presidents, M. Giansanti succeeds Christiane Lambert (FNSEA, France) who has led the organisation for the past four years. More information



Key Highlights


Agriculture is one of the most integrated sectors at European level and lies at the heart of many European institution initiatives. Copa and Cogeca organise themselves so as to respond to the challenges and questions posed by European decision-makers, allowing European farmers and cooperatives to put forward their views and proposals concerning a multitude of subjects that directly affect farmers no matter what agricultural activity they are involved in. In the following 12 categories, you will find our positions on key issues affecting the future of European agriculture.

million livestock units

in Europe

million farmers

in Europe

hectares in average per farm

in Europe

Our Vision – We Farm 4 EU

The coming decade is pivotal for EU agriculture. Many challenges lie ahead. We will face difficult debates on generation renewal, low farm income, market volatility and climate change. As European farmers and cooperatives, we are aware of and ready to navigate these difficult issues and to weather the changes in store. We seek to deliver the type of agriculture that our citizens expect and demand: agriculture that provides a high level of food security and high standards of quality, welfare, sustainability and environmental protection. This is our commitment to Europe! In return, we look to Europe’s leaders to deliver the policy framework that will feed our future.  

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Serious Concerns Over the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement: Urgent Action Needed to Protect the EU Agri-Food Chain

As discussions on the EU-Mercosur trade agreement resumed from October 7 to 9 in Brasília, our sectors once again reaffirm their strong opposition to the agreement, highlighting its potential repercussions on the EU agri-food supply chain.


If no action is taken, beekeeping could become little more than a hobby in Europe!

As a professional beekeeper in northern France, managing 300 beehives and 800 colonies, I’ve been enduring a difficult period, much like many of my fellow beekeepers across Europe. The European honey market has been in crisis for several years, and the challenges we face are now reaching a critical point. A combination of factors, such as the influx of cheap imports, a market flooded with adulterated honey, the impact of climate change as well as invasive species and pests, has brought the beekeeping sector to its knees, threatening our livelihoods. My colleagues and I at Copa-Cogeca have been consistently raising the alarm about the scandal of honey adulteration, and today, I feel compelled to speak out again because the situation has become catastrophic.

09.10.2024 #OPINIONPIECE

What measures can the EU take to support its wine sector?

It is a topic that is receiving more and more attention: the European wine sector is experiencing a particularly difficult time. As it is often the case in agriculture, there is no single cause, but rather a combination of factors. Overall consumption in Europe is decreasing, consumer preferences are rapidly changing, and vine cultivation is becoming more complex due to climate change. At the same time, the agronomic tools available to winegrowers are often inadequate, especially if aggravated by commercial and regulatory uncertainties. Despite these challenges, the sector remains a leader in agricultural exports, generating €130 billion per year (0.8% of European GDP) and employing 2.9 million people, keeping many renowned territories across the EU vibrant.

07.10.2024 #OPINIONPIECE

ECJ clarifies the path to follow for Member States eager to adopt legal names protecting animal-based products

In a landmark ruling issued today, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) has specified the legal framework for Member States seeking to establish terms to protect the names of products of animal origin. While the Court ultimately ruled that the French attempt to regulate such terms was not compliant with EU law, it outlined a path forward for adopting legal names. In what is a more complex debate than it might seem, Copa and Cogeca urge the EU to protect meat and fish denominations as it is the case for dairy products.

04.10.2024 #STATEMENT

European Commission grants an additional twelve months for EUDR implementation in response to sector concerns

European primary producers and various industries welcome the European Commission’s proposal to extend the implementation period of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by an additional 12 months. While we fully support the regulation’s objective to combat global deforestation, it is crucial to ensure that it is implemented under the right conditions to be effective and feasible.


Another Year in the Red for Cereal Growers: Time to Tackle the Root Causes, Not Just the Symptoms!

Once again this year, European farmers are facing a very poor harvest. The 2022 and 2023 harvests were already among the worst in a decade, with cereal production at historic lows. Unfortunately, 2024 is shaping up to be even worse, with expected output at least 9% below the 10-year average. The reality is that since 2000, EU cereal and oilseed yields have stagnated. When oilseed production did increase, it was mainly due to an expansion in acreage rather than yield improvements. When cyclical downturns become recurrent, it indicates underlying structural issues that can no longer be ignored.

30.09.2024 #OPINIONPIECE

COPA elects Massimiliano Giansanti as its new President

Today, COPA elected Massimiliano Giansanti (Confagricoltura, Italy) as its new President, to lead the European farmers' organisation for the next two years. M. Giansanti steps into this role at a pivotal moment, as the EU's vision for its agricultural future is taking shape amid heightened concerns on the ground. Together with a team of six newly elected Vice-Presidents, M. Giansanti succeeds Christiane Lambert (FNSEA, France) who has led the organisation for the past four years.

27.09.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

At last, a major step forward in the management of wolf populations and harmonious co-existence!

Copa and Cogeca welcome the long-awaited news that the amendment of the Bern Convention and thus the Habitats Directive, to allow the proper management of the European wolf population, has passed in COREPER I today.

25.09.2024 #STATEMENT

With less than 100 days left and no clear implementation tools, European primary producers and various industries urge a delay of the entry into application of the EUDR

For months, operators and traders have voiced concerns about the EUDR’s practical feasibility and called on the European Commission and Member States to provide necessary clarification on both the regulation’s general requirements and commodity-specific issues. All supply chain actors need this clarity in order to adjust their practices in compliance with the EUDR but this adjustment cannot be achieved at the last minute.


Strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture - a report that kicks off Ursula von der Leyen's second mandate on agriculture

This morning, Professor Strohschneider presented the conclusions of the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture to Ursula von der Leyen. This report, notable for its unique deliberative approach and comprehensive recommendations, marks a first step toward the development of the "Agri-Food Vision" announced by the Commission President in July. The Presidents of Copa and Cogeca, who played an active role in this dialogue, commend the change in method used and call for further urgent actions.

04.09.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

With the elections under the table, the Mercosur deal is back on the menu – much to our discontent

With the European elections all wrapped up and under the table, it seems there is a renewed optimism for getting the deal with Mercosur back on the menu and over the line. We have talked about this deal so many times but with the next negotiation round a few days away our sectors feel the pressure, once again, to voice their strong opposition to this deal.


Copa and Cogeca’s first reaction to the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen and the presentation of her 2029 roadmap

In Strasbourg today, Ursula von der Leyen was comfortably re-elected as head of the European Commission for a second term running until 2029. Copa and Cogeca congratulate her on this re-election and on the presentation of her work programme. As announced at the beginning of the week, we were hoping for words and deeds for agriculture in her first address to the Parliament, where we indeed heard key words and first milestones!

18.07.2024 #STATEMENT

Ursula von der Leyen's first statement to the new EU Parliament - We expect words and deeds for agriculture!

Agriculture has been prominently featured in the European elections, frequently mentioned by candidates and highlighted in party manifestos. From the Farm to Fork experience, to the crises that have rocked Europe, and the significant agricultural protests earlier this year, a consensus has emerged: agriculture is one of the three pillars of the EU's strategic autonomy, alongside energy and defence. How the EU addresses these three critical areas over the next five years will be crucial for its future.

16.07.2024 #OPINIONPIECE

Harvest 2024 – Poor outlook for cereals, stable for oilseeds and positive for protein crops but situation might worsen

The experts of the Copa and Cogeca Working Parties for Cereals, Oilseeds and Protein Crops (respectively) predict a very poor year for EU cereals in 2024, a stable year for oilseeds whilst for protein crops the results should be more positive, but the situation could further worsen. The EU-27 cereal production should reach 257.3 million tonnes, recording a decrease of -4.7% compared to the harvest in 2023. Meanwhile the oilseeds production is expected to drop by -1.0% with 31.9 million tonnes, and protein crops will experience a boost of 13% with 3.9 million tonnes.

10.07.2024 #STATEMENT

Investing in Europe’s Future Competitiveness through Collaborative Research, Development, and Innovation

In the shaping of the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10), we, the undersigned 110 European associations representing key European RD&I stakeholders, hereby urge the EU Institutions to significantly increase the current budget in view of FP10 and to make pan-European collaborative research the cornerstone of FP10, answering industrial needs by excellence.


Elli Tsiforou appointed Secretary-General of Copa-Cogeca

During the joint Praesidia of Copa and Cogeca on Thursday 27th June, the members of the two European based organisations decided to appoint Elli Tsiforou as head of their joint General Secretariat. Her candidacy was unanimously approved due to her long-standing knowledge of the mechanics of the EU and national agricultural policies and organisations. Elli Tsiforou will take up her duties in September.

27.06.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

Cogeca Presidency Business Forum highlights the critical role of agri-cooperatives for cereals and seeds

Yesterday, Cogeca held the first of its Business Fora for 2024, on the theme “How can agri-cooperatives secure robustness in the cereals and seeds sectors?”. Discussions addressed key trade issues related to cereals and seeds, transport, logistics and storage to facilitate trade flows across Europe. The event, held in Brussels, brought together industry leaders, and agri-cooperative experts to highlight the key role of agri-cooperatives must play in ensuring the success of these sectors.

27.06.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

Decision postponed - COREPER unable to agree on a common position on NGTs

The Ambassadors of the Permanent Representation of the Member States to the EU (COREPER 1) failed to agree on a negotiation mandate on the European Commission’s Proposal on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). Copa and Cogeca regret this latest missed opportunity under the Belgian Presidency and call on the Council to take responsibility on this matter, particularly in view of the conclusions approved yesterday on the future of agriculture.

26.06.2024 #STATEMENT

Strategic alignment on the future of agriculture – Copa and Cogeca support the conclusions of the Belgian Presidency of the Council

At yesterday's meeting of agriculture and fisheries Ministers, the Belgian Presidency of the Council presented its conclusions on the future of agriculture. Copa and Cogeca support this document, which recognises the strategic importance of agriculture and proposes precise political priorities, most of which aligned with our manifesto presented during the European elections. These proposals must now be reflected in the 2024-2029 strategic agenda to be discussed by the heads of State at the end of the week.

25.06.2024 #STATEMENT

EU–China trade tensions: Agri-food sector caught in the crossfire

Following the already launched investigation into the EU brandy production, Chinese authorities have today announced the launch of an anti-dumping investigation into EU’s pork exports. The move follows last week’s conclusion of the European Commission’s investigation into imports of Chinese electric vehicles.

17.06.2024 #STATEMENT

Council’s General Approach on food waste presents a balanced compromise

The Ministers of Environment adopted today a general approach on the Commission’s Proposal for the revision of the Directive on waste. Copa and Cogeca welcome the compromise reached, which builds on the ambition to prevent food waste and to achieve a more circular economy, as proportionate to the challenges and attentive to national specificities.

17.06.2024 #STATEMENT

EU Council adopts a more pragmatic position on the Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law

The Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law General Approach was approved today in the Environment Council, with definitive changes to the fundamental structure of the proposal made by the European Commission in the Summer of 2023.

17.06.2024 #STATEMENT

Green Claims - A general approach that is a step in the right direction for Copa and Cogeca

Following the adoption of the Council’s General Approach by the Ministers of Environment on 17th June, Copa and Cogeca congratulate the work done in the Council in the past months that led to the adoption of a balanced text. The General Approach takes into consideration the reality on the farms and gives the right flexibility to the use of carbon credits in the voluntary market. Copa and Cogeca hope to see these improvements defended during the upcoming institutional trilogue negotiations.

17.06.2024 #STATEMENT

The law on the restoration of nature passes, but its application dead-ends remain

This morning, the Environment Council voted to approve the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), with the slimmest majority possible, and one which was defined by the individual voices of ministers and not the positions of national governments! This course, deriving from a flawed proposal, will cause legal battles at regional, national, and European levels, with the future unclear as to how or when this law will be implemented.

17.06.2024 #STATEMENT

A European Action Plan to combat late blight in potatoes is needed!

The sector's lead European organisations are sounding the alarm: faced with the re-emergence of late blight, European potato production is at risk. That's why the sector's key players are proposing an action plan, presented today in Brussels. Potato late blight is the most destructive disease of potatoes and responsible for the Irish Famine in the 19th century. The annual economic damage in the EU is estimated at around 900 million EUR.

30.05.2024 #STATEMENT

Europe Day – The mobilisation of the agricultural and rural communities is essential for the June elections!

This year's Europe Day takes place in a special context, between the end of a very special mandate dominated by crises and the election campaign period we are entering. From 6th to 9th June, 400 million European voters will be deciding on our common future. This 9th May is therefore an opportunity to take stock of the past mandate and to explain why the next few years will be so fundamental in Brussels, particularly in terms of agriculture.

08.05.2024 #OPINIONPIECE

Copa and Cogeca meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

This morning the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of Copa and Cogeca met with the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to take stock of the situation as the 2019-2024 mandate draws to a close and to discuss the strategic repositioning of agriculture at the centre of European policies based on the organisation’s manifesto for the European elections.

26.04.2024 #STATEMENT

Copa-Cogeca and IBMA Joint letter to the EU Commission asking to ensure biocontrol solutions are made available to farmers without unnecessary delays

Since 2011, farmers across Europe have been strongly committed in reducing their use of chemical Plant Protection Products (PPPs) but, at the same time, they are facing lack of sufficient access to effective, economically viable and safe alternatives such as biocontrol. This gap in our farmers’ toolbox endangers their ability to fight against pests and diseases and remain productive, contributing to farmers’ distress at the source of their recent protests.


UTPs - Commission publishes a first implementation report showing the relevance of combating Unfair Trading Practices and the need for further EU actions

In agriculture, pricing and other contractual conditions are a key issue that can be seriously affected by unfair trading practices (UTP). Copa and Cogeca therefore welcomes the evaluation report presented yesterday by the European Commission on the implementation of the 2019 Directive aimed at combating these commercial practices. One of the limits identified is still the lack of knowledge of these new mechanisms within the Member States, so it is important to highlight them.

24.04.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

For its last plenary session, the EU Parliament approved CAP simplification measures

In Strasbourg this week, the European Parliament adopted two Commission proposals regarding CAP simplification package for the short, medium, and long-term. The first one voted on Tuesday focused on the modifications to GAEC 1 giving Member States the necessary flexibility to consider exceptional structural changes in the conversion of permanent grassland areas. The second one just approved today deals in particular with the conditionality requirements, GAEC 6, 7 and 8, providing more leeway in implementing the CAP considering climatic, geo-political and local conditions whilst safeguarding the transition towards a more sustainable agriculture.

24.04.2024 #STATEMENT

European Parliament’s PRM report is a worrying step backwards for EU’s agricultural future

Today, the Agriculture Committee report on plant reproductive material (PRM) was adopted during the plenary session’s meeting with 431 votes in favour, 104 against and 82 abstentions.

24.04.2024 #STATEMENT

Formal approval of the Ukraine ATMs – EU institutions will have to do better for the revision of the association agreement!

Today, the European Parliament formally approved by 428 in favour (with 131 against and 44 abstentions) the compromise on the renewal of Ukraine trade measures that was reached by institutions on 8th April. While this agreement represents an improvement compared to previous ATMs, it remains challenging for EU producers and manufacturers who will also scrutinise its proper implementation. All attention must now be focused on the revision of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU that will be governing our trade relationship with Ukraine after 6th June 2025. EU producers and manufacturers will have to be included in this discussion and their demands answered in order to ensure a balanced outcome.


Copa and Cogeca ask negotiators on Packaging to find a workable agreement for the fruit and vegetables sector

The upcoming weeks will be crucial for the progression of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), as it is expected that the European Parliament vote on the provisional agreement will take place during its Plenary session on 24th April, whilst the Council of Environment Ministers will do so in one of the two meetings that remain before June.

22.04.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

Repositioning agriculture a strategic asset for Europe! Copa and Cogeca present its roadmap for the European elections

As the European Union gears up for the upcoming elections taking place from 6-9th June, Copa and Cogeca have today released their European Election Manifesto during its general assembly meeting and in the presence of representatives of all the lead European political groups. Crafted with learning from the 2019-2024 mandate and with the aim of regaining a strategic thinking for EU agricultural, the manifesto outlines seven key priorities for the European Commission's next term of office, accompanied by four enablers crucial for getting agriculture back on track.

18.04.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

Latest agreement on Ukraine ATMs – Limited progress that doesn’t reflect EP Plenary position

The three European institutions reached a new compromise yesterday to extend trade measures for Ukraine, by adding half a year more to the reference period, failing to include wheat and barley. This new compromise, also voted on today in the INTA Committee, and that had the majority support of the MEPs, is now heading for the final vote in the European Parliament Plenary later this month.


Copa-Cogeca TV

COPA President Christiane Lambert 26.04.24

COPA President Christiane Lambert reacting to the meeting had with Ursula von der Leyen 26.04.24

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson celebrates Cooperatives Day 06.07.24

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson highlights importance of cooperatives and Cooperatives Day.

One out of every two imported honeys in Europe is fraudulent but it doesn't have to be that way!

In Europe today, one out of every two imported honeys is fraudulent! Fraud techniques are numerous and difficult to detect, which explains their constant increase according to official figures collected by the European Commission. The consequences of these fraudulent imports are numerous and violent for European beekeepers, who cannot stand up to this absolutely unfair competition. This is why Copa-Cogeca would propose one new goal to the Commission: reducing counterfeiting in half by 2027 compared to figures in the analysis carried out in March 2023 with a view to having no adulterated honey present in the European market at all by 2030!

TOP 10 things to understand when it comes to Carbon Farming

Carbon Farming has become a buzzword at EU level but what truly is carbon farming? We take on the challenge to explain it from a farming perspective across 10 key points.

million farmers and
their families represented




About us

European agriculture and forestry are incredibly diverse. This diversity is our pride and our strength, and we must do everything in our collective power to protect it! This is why all models of agriculture, all types of production and all sizes of farms and cooperatives are represented within Copa and Cogeca. 

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