Since 1962, the Secretariat has been working on behalf of both Copa and Cogeca. It ensures that the two organisations function smoothly and efficiently and that decisions taken by the Copa and Cogeca Praesidia are implemented.
The Secretariat is made up of approximately 50 members of staff of different nationalities. It provides its national member organisations and European cooperatives with continuous analysis, communication and expert knowledge. To this end, it prepares hundreds of Working Party meetings, reports, working documents and position papers every year. You can find our annual work overview by following this link.
The Secretary General
- CAP & EU budget
- European Green Deal
- Direct Payments & Rural Development
- Competition Policy & State Aid
- Food Supply Chain
- Tax & Legal Issues
- Promotion of the Cooperative Model
- Economic Analysis
- Policy Coordination
- Relations with the European Parliament
- Congress of European Farmers
- Campaigns
- Press Relations
- Community Management
- Graphic Design
- IT



- International Trade, WTO
- Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Machinery
- Arable Crops
- Livestock
- Renewable Raw Materials
- Dried Fodder
- Seeds
- Fertilizer
- Organic Farming
- Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Tobacco
- Rice
- Honey
- Horticulture
- Wine/Spirits
- Olive Oil
- Hops
- Fiber


General Affairs
- Environmental Issues
- Circular and Bio-economy
- Forestry
- Financial Instruments
- Social Affairs (Geopa-Copa)
- Food Safety, Nutrition, Consumer Information
- Animal Nutrition and Feed Safety
- Quality Assurance
- Promotion of Agricultural products
- Research and Innovation
- Animal Health and Welfare
- Plant Health
- Risk Management and Insurance
- Sustainability
- Women's Committee
- Research Projects


Cooperative affairs & Administration
- Cooperative Affairs
- Budget and Finance
- Human Resources
- Maintenance
- Meeting Room Bookings
- Seminars and Events
- Travel and Catering
- Translation
- Interpretation

Cooperative Affairs
HR and Administration
Interpretation and Translation