About Us
Copa and Cogeca are the united voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU.
Together, we ensure that EU agriculture is sustainable, innovative and competitive, while guaranteeing food security for 500 million people throughout Europe. Copa represents over 22 million farmers and their family members whilst Cogeca represents the interests of 22,000 agri-cooperatives. We, the European farmers and agri-cooperatives, strive to deliver the type of agricultural products that our citizens expect and demand, with a market-oriented agriculture that provides the highest level of food safety, sustainability, plant and animal health and welfare standards.
We farm for the EU and we hope the EU will feed our future too!

Meet the Secretariat
The Copa-Cogeca Secretariat provides market monitoring, policy, scientific and legal analyses, sectorial expertise and communication support to Copa and Cogeca national member organisations. We organise 300+ meetings every year and regularly publish reports, position papers and press releases, which are translated into 7 languages.
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