
Start date: 09.12.24
End date:
Who will pay the price for the outdated EU-Mercosur trade agreement? EU farmers and consumers! The agreement reached between the Mercosur bloc and the EU in December 2024 cannot, by any measure, be considered reassuring for European agriculture. It exacerbates cumulative impacts that already harm our sensitive and strategic productions while perpetuating an unsustainable double standard: tolerating practices in imports that fail to meet the increasingly stringent requirements imposed on our domestic market. This is why Copa and Cogeca launched the #StopMercosur campaign immediately after the agreement was announced—a movement that will persist as long as the agreement remains unchanged.
Start date: 01.10.24
End date: 01.02.2025
Launched in October last year across the EU and now present in several extra EU countries (e.g. Argentina, US), the VITÆVINO Campaign is a grassroots initiative dedicated to protecting and promoting wine culture, its socio-economic importance, and its role in fostering moderation and conviviality. By uniting the voices of wine lovers, producers, and policymakers, VITÆVINO aims to ensure that wine remains a fundamental part of European heritage. Wine workers, wine lovers and supporters across Europe and beyond are encouraged to show their support by signing the Declaration at Sigining the VITAEVINO Declaration gives a voice to those who wish to protect wine’s cultural heritage and economic significance, and ensures that wine continues to be enjoyed in moderation by future generations.
The EU needs to realign with its agricultural compass!
Start date: 12.03.24
End date:
In recent years, European farmers' concerns have been ignored at the EU level, with decision-makers viewing our sector as problematic, neglecting its strategic importance and overlooking numerous positive initiatives. This paradigm must change, especially given the rise in legitimate farming protests, highlighting the urgent need for the EU to reconsider its approach to agriculture amidst increasing challenges exacerbated by additional regulations and market pressures. Our message is thus quite clear: Let’s get EU agricultural policies back on track, put agriculture back at the core of the EU project and regain a strategic compass!
Start date: 11.04.23
End date:
There is a shocking reality in Europe, according to studies published by the European Commission services in early 2023, one in two imported honeys is suspected of being fraudulent. The solutions to tackle those massive frauds are known and must be implemented in the upcoming revision of the EU Honey Directive. It is in this context that Copa and Cogeca have launched a call for mobilisation to all EU beekeepers on social media under the hashtag #HoneYstlabellingNow.
Start date: 06.09.21
End date: 15.02.23
Farmer members of Copa-Cogeca started the hashtag #DumpTheAntidumping on social media to ask the European Commission to reopen the investigation into the anti-dumping tax. The action was carried out in order to give this subject more visibility and try to push the Commission to dump this anti-dumping measure. The video testimonies (on Copa-Cogeca TV) are personal and aim to explain the importance of this complex but vital debate for the economic balance of many farms across the EU.
CAP, Farm to Fork, Biodiversity Strategy, Trade policy – the domino effect that could crush EU farmers!
Start date: 24.06.21
End date: 25.06.21
The flash action was carried out by Copa-Cogeca, la Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture and Boerenbond and surrounded the CAP trilogue. It’s first objective was being vocal around a key trilogue for the future of the CAP. It’s second objective was to bring back the bigger picture of all the policies that will have an impact on farmers and the role that CAP could play in ensuring a coherent transition. The action revolved around the need for a coherent and swift deal on CAP and as a reminder of the objectives of the Green Deal and the European trade policy.
Rights for All Seasons
Start date: 15.06.21
End date: 24.09.21
The European Labour Authority is launching an awareness-raising campaign to improve the information provided at EU and national level to workers and employers engaging in cross-border seasonal work. This campaign is part of ELA’s Action plan on seasonal workers, supported by GEOPA-COPA, the Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union. The campaign aims to promote fair and safe working conditions in this area, with a focus on information and services as well as support to enforcement.
Welcome To My Forest
Start date: 30.03.21
End date: 19.04.21
“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated. Join the conversation via #welcometomyforest and watch the video series on Copa-Cogeca’s YouTube channel.
Ceci n'est pas un steak!
Start date: 15.10.20
End date: 23.10.20
The debate on meat and dairy denominations for plant-based imitations is far more complex than it seems at first glance.Join the debate on Twitter with the hashtag #cecinestpasunsteak
European Livestock Voice
Start date: 10.09.19
End date: -
European Livestock Voice aims to bring forward the facts from the side of the story of the people in the field to balance the debate on the future of livestock in Europe.
17 Reasons to Coop
Start date: 01.06.19
End date: -
17 Reasons to Coop is a campaign launched to promote agri-food and forest cooperatives via an online interactive map to show long-term progress on sustainability.
Farmers ClimAct
Start date: 01.10.19
End date: 31.12.19
Farmers ClimAct encourages farmers and cooperatives from across Europe to communicate more on their daily climate friendly acts.
Start date: 01.04.19
End date: 01.06.19
WeFarm4EU encouraged the European farming community to raise their profile and vote in the European elections and included the central role played by farmers and agri-cooperatives, their ambitions and the measures necessary to achieve these objectives by focusing on four key issues.
Start date: 01.10.18
End date: 30.10.18
CutTheUnfair aimed at supporting MEPs ready to act against unfair trading practices that are penalising European farmers and their agri-cooperatives.
Grown not Thrown
Start date: 10.01.19
End date: 31.12.19
The Grown not Thrown campaign focused on showcasing how European farmers and Agri-cooperatives act concretly all across the EU to reduce food losses and waste.