


Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson AGRIFISH 15.07.24

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson highlights a number of key strategic issues discussed with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2024.

Cogeca Vice-President Idalino Leão celebrates Cooperatives Day 06.07.24

Cogeca Vice-President Idalino Leão highlights importance of cooperatives and Cooperatives Day.

Cogeca Vice-President Mickaël Marcerou celebrates Cooperatives Day 06.07.24

Cogeca Vice-President Mickaël Marcerou highlights importance of cooperatives and Cooperatives Day.

Cogeca Vice-President Florentin Bercu celebrates Cooperatives Day 06.07.24

Cogeca Vice-President Florentin Bercu highlights importance of cooperatives and Cooperatives Day.

Cogeca Vice-President Agnieszka Maliszewska celebrates Cooperatives Day 06.07.24

Cogeca Vice-President Agnieszka Maliszewska highlights importance of cooperatives and Cooperatives Day.

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson celebrates Cooperatives Day 06.07.24

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson highlights importance of cooperatives and Cooperatives Day.

COGECA Vice-President Florentin Bercu 29.04.24

COGECA Vice-President Florentin Bercu details key points brought up during #AGRIFISH meeting of 29.04.24

COPA President Christiane Lambert 26.04.24

COPA President Christiane Lambert reacting to the meeting had with Ursula von der Leyen 26.04.24

COGECA President Lennart Nilsson 26.04.24

COGECA President Lennart Nilsson reacting to the outcome of the meeting with Ursula von der Leyen 26.04.24

Cogeca Vice-President Mickaël Marcerou

Cogeca Vice-President Mickaël Marcerou addresses impact of events in Ukraine on EU agriculture and emphasises the need for stability and to secure the European market for European producers, without forgetting solidarity towards Ukraine.

Copa Vice-President Palle Borgström

Copa Vice-President Palle Borgström calls on the swift implementation on the proposed CAP simplification in order for farmers to be able to implement them rapidly.

Copa President Christiane Lambert

Copa President Christiane Lambert details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 26th March.

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 26th March.

COPA President Christiane Lambert

After the final vote on the IED in plenary on 12th March at the European Parliament, COPA President Christiane Lambert provided her first reaction in Strasbourg.

COPA President Christiane Lambert and COGECA President Lennart Nilsson

Key points following the AGRIFISH meeting amidst the farmers protest on 26 February 2024.

Boerenbond President Lode Ceyssens

First impressions of the COPA-COGECA delegation after the meeting with President Ursula von der Leyen and Prime ministers Alexander De Croo and Mark Rutte.

Fédération Wallonne de l'Agriculture President Marianne Streel

First impressions of the COPA-COGECA delegation after the meeting with President Ursula von der Leyen and Prime ministers Alexander De Croo and Mark Rutte.

Boerenbond President Lode Ceyssens

First impressions of the COPA-COGECA delegation after the meeting with President Ursula von der Leyen and Prime ministers Alexander De Croo and Mark Rutte.

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson

Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 23rd January.

Copa Vice-President Massimiliano Giansanti

Copa Vice-President Massimiliano Giansanti details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 23rd January.

Newly elected Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson

Newly elected Lennart Nilsson gives his first speech as Cogeca President on 30th November.

Copa President Christiane Lambert

Copa President Christiane Lambert details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 23rd October.

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 18th September.

Copa Vice-President Tim Cullinan

Copa Vice-President Tim Cullinan details some of the subjects brought up during the Agrifish meeting had on 18th September.

One out of every two imported honeys in Europe is fraudulent but it doesn't have to be that way!

In Europe today, one out of every two imported honeys is fraudulent! Fraud techniques are numerous and difficult to detect, which explains their constant increase according to official figures collected by the European Commission. The consequences of these fraudulent imports are numerous and violent for European beekeepers, who cannot stand up to this absolutely unfair competition. This is why Copa-Cogeca would propose one new goal to the Commission: reducing counterfeiting in half by 2027 compared to figures in the analysis carried out in March 2023 with a view to having no adulterated honey present in the European market at all by 2030!

Copa President Christiane Lambert

Copa President Christiane Lambert explains why European Farming cannot be left out of the State of the Union address.

Copa President Christiane Lambert

Key points during Agri-Fish Council 25.07.23

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol

Key points during Agri-Fish Council 25.07.23

Copa President Christiane Lambert

Key points during Agri-Fish Council 26.06.23

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol

The Cogeca Presidium held discussions on the serious situation being suffered by farmers in EU border countries due to the war in Ukraine. And assessed the meeting of the Business Forum that was held on 21st June, where the very important role of cooperatives in energy production was highlighted.

Copa Vice President Palle Borgström

Copa Vice President Palle Borgström outlines the key points from the Agri-Fish Council meeting with the Swedish Presidency, held in Brussels on the 30th of May.

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol outlines key points addressed in today's meeting with the Swedish Agriculture Minister on the occasion of the Agri Fish Council.

Key points ahead of Agri-Fish Council by Cogeca President Ramon Armengol

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol provides summary of the key points addressed to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union ahead of the Agri-Fish Council on 25th April.

Key points ahead of Agri-Fish Council by Copa President Christiane Lambert

Copa President Christiane Lambert provides summary of the key points addressed to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union ahead of the Agri-Fish Council on 25th April.

Key points during Agri-Fish Council by Copa President Christiane Lambert

Copa President Christiane Lambert provides summary of the key points addressed to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the Agri-Fish Council on 20th March; Ukraine and the market situation for neighboring countries, IED, Mercosur, Nature Restoration and the pigmeat sector.

Key points during Agri-Fish Council by Cogeca President Ramon Armengol

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol provides summary of the key points addressed to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the Agri-Fish Council on 20th March; Ukraine and the market situation for neighboring countries, IED, Mercosur, Nature Restoration and the pigmeat sector.

Farmers' solutions: What is a RENURE project ?

Farmers in Europe are currently facing two major economic challenges. The first one is the price of energy, and the second one is obviously the price and the availability of fertiliser. Everywhere in Europe, farmers are trying to find concrete solutions to remain profitable while also being sustainable. Mr. van Poppel, a livestock farmer from Menschot in the Netherland has developed a solution on his farm to tackle those problem by killing two birds with one stone. His solution is called RENURE, an acronym that stands for REcovered Nitrogen from manURE.

360° Video Testimonial- The Last Sheep in the Picos de Europa by Rubén Remis (Asaja Spain)

Rubén Remis is one of the last remaining pastoral farmers in the Belbin region of Spain due to a growing, unchecked population of wolves that have forced other farmers to leave the region. He talks about the losses and hardships he has faced as a result of the wolf problem, and he calls for a proper management of the wolf population, as well as more flexibility and freedom to protect this important piece of European rural heritage.

360° Video Testamonial - Coping with the consequences of wolf attacks by Nicolas/Catherine Peccoz

Testimony from two French sheep farmers who have faced the trauma of a wolf attack and its consequences on their herd, work, and life.

Ida Adinolfi (Confagricoltura, Italy) - Fertiliser crisis figures

A young farmer provides her testimony of the fertiliser crisis figures. The European Commission needs a long-term vision but the EU farming community expect more concrete and pragmatic short-term solutions.

Christiane Lambert (COPA), Ramon Armengol (COGECA)

Key points during Agri-Fish Council 26.09.22

Mladen Jakopovic - Copa Vice President

Mladen Jakopovic, Copa Vice-President, presents the 10th edition of European Farmers Congress, taking place in Sibenik, Croatia from 12-14 October 2022

10th Edition of the Congress of European Farmers

The Congress of European Farmers represents a key moment for Copa and Cogeca and its members, cooperatives and farmers’ organisations from across the EU.

Key points during Agri-Fish Council

Copa President Christiane Lambert provides summary of the key points addressed to the new Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the Agri-Fish Council on 18th July; national strategic plans for the CAP, the crisis in Ukraine, African Swine Fever (ASF), annual crop rotation measures and finally the set-aside measures for 2023.

Best wishes from Cogeca Vice Chairs present at the CongresoCoops 2022

Cogeca Vice-Chairs give their best wishes for the International day of Cooperatives

"Fertiliser prices will have serious implications for EU farmers and consumers" #DumpTheAntidumping

Fertiliser prices, especially nitrogen solution (UAN), are reaching historically high levels throughout Europe, as a result of the multiple shocks of the covid crisis and the war in Ukraine.

Key points during Agri-Fish Council Meeting

Copa President Christiane Lambert provides a brief summary of the key points addressed with the outgoing Presidency and the Minister Marc Fesneau during the Agri Fish Council on 13th June; mirror measures, market situation, weather calamities and the CAP.

TOP 10 things to understand when it comes to Carbon Farming

Carbon Farming has become a buzzword at EU level but what truly is carbon farming? We take on the challenge to explain it from a farming perspective across 10 key points.

AGRIFISH Meeting held on the 24th May

Following the Agrifish meeting with the French Minister of the Council of European Agricultural Ministers Marc Fesneau on 24th May, Copa President Christiane Lambert gives a short overview of the most important topics discussed; such as food sovereignty.

AGRIFISH Meeting held on the 24th May

Following the Agrifish meeting with the French Minister of the Council of European Agricultural Ministers Marc Fesneau on 24th May, Copa President Christiane Lambert gives a short overview of the most important topics discussed; such as food sovereignty.

Informal meeting with the Council of European agricultural Ministers under the French Presidency

On the 7th of April, the Copa and Cogeca Presidents, Mrs Christiane Lambert and Mr Ramon Armengol, met with the Minister Julien Denormandie for a brief discussion on the consequences on the agriculture markets due to the war on Ukraine as well as to discuss the European Commission’s communication on food security.

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Chair of Copa-Cogeca's Women's Committee Lotta Folkesson (LRF, Sweden) highlights how female farmers are key for creating sustainable societies for the future.

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we meet a member of Copa-Cogeca's Women's Committee and President of the Union of Hungarian Women Margit Batthyany-Schmidt (NAK, Hungary) who highlights the importance of uniting as women throughout sustainable agriculture.

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we meet Vice-Chair of Copa-Cogeca's Women's Committee Hanna Chodkowska, (KRIR, Poland) who highlights the needed aspects in agriculture for women such as financial support and advice.

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we meet Vice-Chair of Copa-Cogeca's Women's Committee Jéronima Bonafé (Cooperativas Agro Alimentarias, Spain) who highlights the responsibilities of women across the agri-food sector and calls for recognition of the active role women take on across agriculture.

Highlights following AGRIFISH Council meeting

Cogeca President Ramon Armengol addressed the French Presidency Julien Denormandie prior to the #AGRIFISH Council on the issue of rising prices of energy and fertilisers, which heavily impact the production in the sector, and how it additionally aggravates the situation in the pig sector.

Highlights following AGRIFISH Council meeting

Following the meeting with Julien Denormandie in the view of the #AGRIFISH Council on 21st February, Copa President Christiane Lambert outlines the key topics discussed and reiterates the importance of coherence and timeliness in the approval of national strategic plans.

Following the Informal AGRIFISH Council meeting, Copa President Christiane Lambert (FNSEA) summarises discussion

Copa President Christiane Lambert’s video summary following the Informal Agriculture Council hosted by the French Presidency of the European Union where all EU Member States showed interest in carbon farming! "It is a dynamic and promising vision for the farmers to get into 'project mode' on this issue. We are ready."


Video review of the first meeting between Christiane Lambert and Agnieszka Maliszewska from Copa-Cogeca with the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union ahead of the #AGRIFISH council had on 17th January.

Copa President Christiane Lambert recaps in a short video the key issues discussed on 13th December, prior to the last Agri-Fish Council meeting under the Slovenian Presidency

Many thanks to the Presidency for their work and commitment to the agriculture and forestry sectors.

Chair of the Working Party for Honey at Copa-Cogeca; Stanislav Jas (MTK) explains priorities

The newly appointed Chair of the Working Party for Honey at Copa-Cogeca, Stanislav Jas (MTK) explains the main priorities going forward which are focused on the revision of the honey directive (with regards to original labelling and traceability) and focusing on the sustainability of European beekeeping in the context of climate change and societal evolution amidst the current tense market situation.

Chairman of the Working Party for Wine; Mr Luca Rigotti discusses the EU wine harvest for 2021

Chairman of the WP for Wine; Mr Luca Rigotti (Mezzacorona) discusses the EU wine 2021 harvest and explains the importance of the wine sector, "The wine sector is vital for environmental, social and economic sustainability and plays an important role in our economy".

Copa President Christiane Lambert outlines the key points discussed during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council Meeting

Copa President Mrs Christiane Lambert (FNSEA) outlines some of the key point from the 15th of November meeting with the EU-2021 Slovenian Presidency of the Council during the AGRIFISH meeting. On the agenda was the Common Agricultural Policy, COP26, market situations and impacts on input sectors and large carnivores.

The blind spots of the Farm to Fork targets

In 2020, the EU launched a set of communications on strategies for transitioning to a more sustainable food system. The two main strategies to achieve this goal are the Farm to Fork and the Biodiversity strategies, part of a greater agenda: the EU Green Deal.

Jean-François Bléchet - Crop Producer (France) - #DumpTheAntidumping

Farmer members of Copa-Cogeca started the hashtag #DumpTheAntidumping on social media to ask the European Commission to reopen the investigation; that is the only solution to end these anti-dumping taxes.

Cédric Benoist - Crop Producer (France) #DumpTheAntidumping

Farmer members of Copa-Cogeca started the hashtag #DumpTheAntidumping on social media to ask the European Commission to reopen the investigation; that is the only solution to end these anti-dumping taxes.

Feedback on the UNFSS Pre-Summit

Christiane Lambert, President of Copa, gives feedback on the UNFSS Pre-Summit that took place from the 26 - 28 July.

CAP Flash Action - The Domino Effect

Despite COVID-19 limitations, the EU farming community was mobilised today at the call of Copa and Cogeca in front of the European Parliament as the CAP trilogue negotiations continued...

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Pedro Silveira in his forest in Portugal

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#WelcomeToMyForest - Meet Camilla Logarn in her forest in Sweden

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Jozsef Luzsi in his forest in Hungary

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Rui Dinis in his forest in Portugal

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#WelcomeToMyForest - Meet Christian Burkhardt in his forest in Germany

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Josef Wimmel in his forest in Austria

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Atis Poga in his forest in Latvia

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Toni Tuomala in his forest in Finland

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Marie Kayser in her forest in Luxembourg

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Luc Bouvarel in his forest in France

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Mikaela Johnsson in her forest in Sweden

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

Statement by Kerli Ats following the End the Cage Age public hearing

Kerli Ats, Board Member of the Estonian Farmers’ Federation, Member of the EESC and Copa-Cogeca and livestock farmer discusses the position of the farming community vis-a-vis the "End the Cage Age" European citizen initiative.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Miroslav Pacovský in his forest in Czech Republic

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Karin Müller Vögel in her forest in Austria

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Nyström Mickel in his forest in Finland

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Clara Castello in her forest in Spain

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.

#Welcometomyforest - Meet Märt Linnamägi in his forest in Estonia

“Welcome to my forest” is a campaign with a series of video clips from forest owners from multiple Member States where they invite viewers to their forests to hear about what being a forest owner is like, what challenges they face, what objectives they have when it comes to forest management and what keeps them motivated.


EU livestock farmers are committed actors of change for increased sustainability, but they believe that the Farm to Fork approach is based on erroneous preconceptions. European Livestock Voice and the Italian sustainable meat project, Carni Sostenibili have identified a number of paradoxes in a series of short videos.

EU-MERCOSUR DEAL- Do you really want to import the type of agriculture we don't want in Europe?

6 minutes to understand the 3 main reasons why EU farmers are opposed to the Mercosur Deal as it stands and why it is an unfair deal for farmers and consumers.

Meet the Finalists: Nazaret Mateos Alvarez (ES) - 6th Edition Innovation Award for Women Farmers

Nazaret Mateos Alvarez is from Spain and is an ecological mushroom farmer, who works close to the circular economy and zero waste approach.

Meet the Finalists: Immacolata Migliaccio (IT) - 6th Edition Innovation Award for Women Farmers

Immacolata Migliaccio is from Italy and is an organic farmer optimising the use of digital and AI technologies in the cultivation of her crops.

Meet the Finalists: Ines Theunis (BE) - 6th Edition Innovation Award for Women Farmers

Ines Theunis is from Belgium and is a livestock farmer who contributes to a sustainable and circular production with her own meat label that also showcases the story behind the meat.

Meet the Finalists: Marija Cafuk (HR) - 6th Edition Innovation Award for Women Farmers

Marija Cafuk is from Croatia and is a renowned ‘varazdin’ cabbage grower and pickler who has also been demonstrating smart agricultural approaches on her farm.

Meet the Finalists: Boglárka Biró (HU) - 6th Edition Innovation Award for Women Farmers

Boglárka Biró is from Hungary and is a forest engineer with 21 years of experience combining her professional and personal experiences of sustainable agriculture and forestry management.

No, the CAP proposal is not a greenwashing exercise!

by Christiane Lambert, Copa President (23.10.20)

The CAP must evolve, we are not advocates of the status quo but we need time and a fair transition!

by Christiane Lambert, Copa President (19.10.20)

International Rural Women's Day - Testimony on women's involvement in Farmers' organisations

by Danuta Lebioda, First Vice-Chair of Copa-Cogeca's Women's Committee (15.10.20)

A message from Christiane Lambert on the occasion of World Rural Women's Day

by Christiane Lambert, Copa President (19.10.20)

Let's not become surrealistic and "call a spade a spade" #cecinestpasunsteak

The debate on meat and dairy denominations for plant-based imitations is far more complex than it seems at first glance. If the European Parliament decides in the coming month to condone food denomination loopholes to protect “vegan sausages” or “ vegan burgers”, it will open a Pandora's box that will in the long run impact consumers and livestock farmers alike – a fact that is not well understood in the European assembly.

International Rural Women’s Day - A message of encouragement from Lotta Folkesson

Lotta Folkesson, Chairwoman of the Women's Committee, celebrates the UN's International Rural Women’s Day with a message of encouragement and empowerment, urging rural women and women farmers to take a more prominent role in the sector (15.10.20)

Sustainable Forest Management for Forest Biodiversity

This campaign is powered by the forest and forest-based sectors with the aim to provide insights into the contribution of SFM to enhancing forest biodiversity (12.10.20)

"Together we achieved a lot" - Joachim Rukwied’s farewell speach

On 18 September, COPA elected its new president, Christiane Lambert. Former president Joachim Rukwied takes stock of the current situation in European agriculture in his farewell speech and welcomes his successor, wishing her the best of luck. "The COPA family, together with COGECA, is an ever-present force in Brussels and will overcome all the challenges facing them." (18.09.20)

"I am a convinced European" - New COPA President Ms Christine Lambert (FNSEA)

On 18 September COPA member organisations, representing millions of farmers across the EU, elected a new President to chair the organisation for the next 2 years, at a crucial time for the sector. Ms Lambert is a livestock and crop farmer from France and the President of the French farmers union - FNSEA (18.09.20)

Feedback by Cogeca President Ramon Armengol on his meeting with the Council Presidency

by Ramon Armengol, Cogeca President (27.01.20)

#EUTractorChat - MEP Mazaly AGUILAR takes a seat in a tractor to answer Spanish farmers’ questions

MEP Mazaly AGUILAR takes a seat in our #WeFarm4EU tractor to answer questions from Spanish farmers and agri-coops! She outlines her position on many topics, including the CAP budget, Mercosur, generational renewal and new breeding techniques. Take a look!(29.11.19)

#EUTractorChat - MEPJérémy DECERLE takes a seat in a tractor to answer french farmers’ questions

MEP Jérémy DECERLE from Renew Europe takes a seat in a tractor to answer French farmers’ questions sent in by Copa Cogeca members FNSA, APCA and Coop de France through their social media. He answers questions on CAP, new tech, the EU budget, Mercosur trade and much more! Take a look and please activate subtitles for English!(07.11.19)

#EUTractorChat - MEP Paolo De Castro takes a seat in a tractor to answer Italian farmers’ questions

MEP Paolo De Castro takes a seat in a tractor to answer Italian farmers’ questions which Copa Cogeca members CIA, Confagricultura, Coldiretti and Cooperative Italiane gathered through their social media. He answers questions on CAP, new tech, the EU budget, trade, italian rice and much more!(28.10.19)

#WeFarm4EU - 4 key reasons why cutting the CAP budget would be political nonsense

Pekka Pesonen, Copa and Cogeca Secretary General, outlines in a short video 4 key reasons why cutting the CAP budget would be political nonsense on the occasion of the EU Council meeting in Brussels, where Heads of Member States will discus the multi-annual financial framework (MFF).(17.10.19)

4 countries, 4 farmers, 4 stories - the same passion for agriculture

This video brings you the stories of 4 farmers, from Canada, the US, Mexico and Europe (Finland) to show what drives them, the issues they face, the role of technology in their work and the future they want to see.(03.10.19)

What are EU farmers’ and Cooperatives’ concrete actions to fight climate change?

Niels Peter Nørring, Climate Director of the Danish Agriculture and Food Council (Landbrug Fødevarer), introduces the Copa and Cogeca position paper on climate action as well as its related new platform: www.farmersclimact.eu (17.09.19)

#FutureofCAP - 5 key priorities for EU farmers and agri-cooperatives

Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of Copa and Cogeca, outlines in a video message 5 key priorities for EU farmers and cooperatives when it comes to the future of the CAP, the most important policy for the EU agricultural community. A clear message directed towards the newly elected MEPs who will be taking this process forward in the upcoming period.(22.07.19)

#WeFarm4EU - Feeding Europe's Future Together with the EU and You!

Every day, farmers across the EU work hard to provide EU citizens with safe and nutritious food, while keeping rural areas alive and helping the EU economy thrive. However, they also face many problems every day, such as the effects of climate change and negative market trends. As a European citizen, you can help the EU and its farmers by taking part in the next EU elections and casting your vote for a brighter future. Together with you we can feed the EU's future.(08.05.19)

International Women’s Day – Rural France needs strong women farmers!

The International Women’s Day is the right opportunity to showcase the active contribution of all women, from farmlands to cities. (07.05.19)

International Women’s Day – Rural Europe needs strong women farmers!

The International Women’s Day is the right opportunity to showcase the active contribution of all women, from farmlands to cities. (06.05.19)

International Women’s Day – Rural Poland needs strong women farmers!

The International Women’s Day is the right opportunity to showcase the active contribution of all women, from farmlands to cities.(06.05.19)

How could cooperatives support farmers converting to organic?

by Jerome Caillé (Terrena) (09.01.19)

The voice of European Farmers and Agri-cooperatives talking about producing food for a growing Europe

Presentation of Copa and Cogeca by its Secretary General Pekka Pesonen.