Leonardo POFFERI
2ND Vice President (2019 - 2026)
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Leonardo Pofferi has a vast experience in European affairs and is a current board member of Cooperatives Europe. Since 2014, Pofferi has been the Head of the Brussels office of Confcooperative and the Chairman of Cooperative Coordination Committee of Cogeca. Also, he has been the Director for European affairs of Alleanza Cooperative Italiane since 2016, the agrifood sector which represents around 40% of national agrifood production.
Farm/Cooperative description
Leonardo Pofferi is the Director of European affairs for the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives which represents 58% of the gross salable wine production, 40% of the national GOP of the fruit and vegetable sector, 43% of the value of the national dairy production and over 60% of the turnover of DOP cheeses; 70% of the gross production of the poultry sector (eggs, poultry meat, rabbits) and 25% of the processed production of the bovine and pork sectors.
Career Timeline
2th Vice President of Cogeca
2024 - 2026
Director for European affairs of Alleanza Cooperative Italiane
2016 - present
Head of Brussels office of Confcooperative
2014 - present
Chairman of Cooperative Coordination Committee of Cogeca and member of Cogeca Presidency
2007 - 2009, 2014 - present
Member of the Sherpa Group of the High level forum on competitiveness of agrifood industry set up by European Commission, enlarged in 2010 to the High level Forum for a better functioning of the food supply chain
2008 - 2012
Permanent representative in Brussels of Fedagri Confcooperative
1999 - 2013
4th Vice President of Cogeca
2019 - 2023
- Master in EU law and policy at European College of Parma (1996-97)
- Political Sciences at Bologna University (1995)