Idalino LEÃO
6th Vice President (2024 - 2026)

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Idalino Leão has been an engaged cooperative member, from his activities in his cooperative in Paços de Ferreira until now as head of the Portuguese largest second degree cooperative in the dairy sector, Agros. Agros is the largest second degree cooperative in Portugal grouping 44 cooperatives and approximately 800 milk producers and 60 thousand members with almost 75 years of collecting, transporting and selling in bulk in the Entre-Douro, Minho and Trás-os-Montes regions, providing all necessary technical services and products to the associated Producers. Through his activity in FENALAC he became president of CONFAGRI, the umbrella structure for the Agricultural Cooperative Universe in our country representing over 220 thousand cooperators.
Farm/Cooperative Description
Idalino Leão is the third generation of farmers in his family. He has taken over in 2004 and currently has 170 heads of cattle in northern Portugal. Like most farmers in his region he also produces wine and manages some forest land.
Career Timeline
6th Vice President of Cogeca
2024 - present
President of CONFAGRI
2022 - present
Chairman of AGROS
2022 - present
President of FENALAC - National Federation of Dairy Cooperatives
2022 - present
President of the Agricultural Cooperative "A lavoura do Concelho de Paços de Ferreira"
2012 - present
Other professional responsibilities
Member of the Board of Directors of PEC Nordeste - Industry of Livestock Products of the North, S.A.
2014 - present
- Graduated in Sociology from the University of Beira Interior.