Proiecte UE

Safe Habitus: Strengthening the Farm Health and Safety Knowledge and Innovation Systems in Europe
Start date: January 2023
End date: December 2027
The Safe Habitus project aims to strengthen Farm Health and Safety Knowledge Innovation Systems and support the EU transition to social sustainability in farming. It aims to support the changing of habitual practices via multiple novel methods such as digital storytelling, foresight analysis and benchmarking policies.
Grass Ceiling: Gender Equality in Rural and Agricultural Innovation Systems
Start date: January 2023
End date: December 2025
The Grass Ceiling project aims to co-create tools that can empower more women farmers and increase the number of women-led innovations in agriculture and rural communities. The project will support the commitments to advancing the UN’s goals on gender parity, the EU gender equality strategy, and contribute towards the goals of the Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy, the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, and the European Pillar of Social Rights.
IRESTART: Inclusive REskilling and upSkilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sectoR: European agenda StraTegy
Start date: September 2022
End date: August 2026
The I-RESTART project aims to support the reskilling and upskilling the workforce in the agrifood and veterinary sectors, through retraining the employees leaving the heavy industry, and to hire them in the agrifood sector. The project also aims to engage with students that want to enter the agrifood labour market and ensure they have the required skills that businesses need.
FOODCoST: FOOD Costing and Internalisation of Externalities for System Transition
Start date: June 2022
End date: May 2026
The overall objective of FOODCoST is to develop tools, policies and business models for pathways towards sustainable production and consumption in the food system through internalising positive and negative externalities. FOODCoST redefines the value of food and provides a set of improved and harmonised analytical instruments for valuation and internalisation of externalities to assess the direct and indirect impact, co-create options for solutions, and provide guidance to policy makers, businesses and other actors.
Start date: July 2022
End date: June 2025
PREPSOIL will support the implementation of the Soil Mission by creating awareness and knowledge on soil needs among stakeholders in regions across Europe. This will include the co-creation and roll out of tools and spaces for interaction, knowledge-sharing and co-learning, and stocktaking and dialogue to understand how regional ‘soil needs’ assessment, supported by harmonised monitoring mechanisms for soil health.
Start date: July 2022
End date: December 2026
The QuantiFarm project will support the increased deployment of digital technologies in agriculture. Using results on the use of data-driven technology innovations, the project aims to improve the sustainability of the agri-food value chain, in coordination with the most appropriate behaviour and business model innovations that are necessary for maximising their impact.
Start date: July 2022
End date: June 2024
The project aims to improve the quality of entrepreneurship education in the agriculture sector for young women living in rural areas. The project will promote new professional pathways and tailored career counselling, guidance and mentoring for women in rural areas by linking training and educational contents to skills thus making up- and re-skilling processes an important tool to reduce skills gaps and tackle skills mismatches.
Start date: August 2022
End date: July 2029
The overall goal of the EU-FarmBook project is to support knowledge exchange between all EU and national AKIS actors by further developing, expanding, exploiting and maintaining an easily accessible and user-friendly EU-wide digital platform for practitioners in agriculture, forestry and other rural sectors.
Start date: October 2022
End date: September 2027
The main objective of EU4Advice project is to set the foundations and structures required to ensure effective capacity building of SFSC actors through fluent knowledge transfer. It will apply the principles of the interactive innovation model in order to boost the role of advisors as catalysers of the knowledge flow from research to practice.
Data începerii: Septembrie 2018
Data finalizării: Octombrie 2022
Proiectul SAH dorește promovarea digitalizării agriculturii europene prin stimularea unui sistem agricol inovator dedicat excelenței, durabilității și succesului. Are obiectivul de a asigura 80 de soluții digitale noi pentru piață, a atrage fonduri suplimentare în valoare de 30M de euro din surse publice, regionale, naționale și private și plănuiește să ajute la digitalizarea a mai bine de 2 milioane de ferme din Europa.
Disarm - Disseminating Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance
Data începerii: January 2019
Data finalizării: Mai 2022
DISARM este o rețea activă care are obiectivul de a stimula colaborarea între agricultori, veterinari, servicii consultative, mediul academic și industrie pentru diseminarea de soluții inovatoare pentru gestionarea rezistenței la antibiotice în producția de animale, pentru atenuarea amenințării rezistenței la antibiotice. Rețeaua poate face schimb de abordări inovatoare între industrii și țări și împărtăși bune practici din tot sectorul creșterii animalelor.
Smartchain - Smart solutions in short food supply chains
Data începerii: September 2019
Data finalizării: August 2021
Proiectul SMARTCHAIN are drept obiectiv stimularea inovației pe bază de cerere în lanțurile scurte de aprovizionare, pentru ameliorarea competitivității și încurajarea dezvoltării rurale printr-o abordare ce vizează mai mulți actori. Proiectul utilizează un model interactiv de inovație în care toți actorii implicați în proiect colaborează pentru a face mai bine apel la cunoștințele științifice și practice, pentru creare și difuzare la comun a soluțiilor noi, gata pentru rezolvarea unor probleme practice.
Innoseta - Accelerating Innovative Practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advisory Services
Data începerii: May 2018
Data finalizării: October 2021
Obiectivul principal al INNOSETA este crearea unor rețele tematice independente și inovative pentru echipamentul de pulverizare, servicii de formare și consultanță, pentru a contribui la reducerea discrepanței dintre noile soluții disponibile de vârf de protejare a culturilor – comerciale sau din rezultate aplicabile de cercetare – și practicile agricole cotidiene.
INFORMAȚII SUPLIMENTAREGrowing the Future: Enhancing the Attractiveness of the Agricultural Sector
Data începerii: January 2020
Data finalizării: June 2021
Proiectul The Growing the Future are drept obiectiv sporirea șanselor de angajare în sectorul agricol și contribuirea la dezvoltarea economică, socială și de mediu a zonelor rurale prin trei obiective principale: colectarea de date privind deficitului de forță de muncă în sectorul agricol; identificarea cauzelor acestuia; și promovarea celor mai bune practici în toată UE pentru depășirea deficitului.